Upcoming Tutorial – the next tutorial to be uploaded soon.

I am currently working on the next tutorial for a baby cardigan sweater. I am using Bernat Baby Sport yarn to make the cardigan. Will update when the tutorial is complete and uploaded to Youtube.

I will be uploading part one for the baby cardigan tutorial this week. Part one, will include making a gauge swatch first, and will show you how to make the yoke. I also made baby booties and a crochet hat to go with the baby cardigan. The tutorial for the cardigan will be uploaded in 4 parts. I will create a playlist to link all of the parts of the tutorial as I upload them. Just need to finish up editing the videos. Then there will be a tutorial for the matching baby booties and another one for the matching hat. I am also working on finishing up typing up the written instructions from my hand written notes as I created the patterns. Here are some images for a sneak peek of the sweater.