Newborn Baby Cardigan Part One – How to make the yoke and a gauge swatch

This short video above is an excerpt from the most recent video – how to make a Newborn Baby Cardigan Sweater – Part One – Making the yoke and the gauge. In this excerpt you will see how and why to do a gauge swatch before making the cardigan. The full video is below that also shows how to make the yoke.

If you just watched the excerpt above for the gauge swatch and you want to skip ahead to the part of the video after the gauge swatch in the video above, the timestamp for the next part after the gauge swatch starts at 10 minutes.

Part One – Newborn Cardigan Sweater – Making the Yoke and and a gauge swatch

n part one of the tutorial, I will show you how to make the yoke and a gauge swatch. Part two for the sweater will be uploaded soon. I will update when part two of the tutorial is complete and uploaded to Youtube. Part one, will include making a gauge swatch first, and will show you how to make the yoke. I also made baby booties and a crochet hat to go with the baby cardigan. The tutorial for the cardigan will be uploaded in 4 parts. I will create a playlist to link all of the parts of the tutorial as I upload them. Just need to finish up editing the videos. Then there will be a tutorial for the matching baby booties and another one for the matching hat