Amazon Unboxing and Review Blog

Welcome to my website, in this blog you will find items that I have purchased from Amazon. I wanted to share this with you, because when you shop online, you are not able to see the item before purchasing. This way you will get a sneak peek of the items before purchasing. Here you will find my unboxings and/or reviews of the items that I have purchased from Amazon.

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In this video I will un-box and review the Exquiss Knitting Needles Set of Bamboo Circular and Double Pointed Needles that I purchased from Amazon. This set comes with 18 Circular Needles and 75 Double Pointed Needles. You will also receive a plastic case filled with accessories. I have included a link to the item I purchased from Amazon as shown in this unboxing. Thank you for visiting my website . As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Please note : when you use the links below, I will earn a percentage for commission of the sale. The good news is that this in no way will change the price of the item from Amazon.

The video above is from my first purchase of tulle from Amazon. I purchased the set of 20 spools. When the tulle arrived, it had 20 different colors in the set. I was happy that there were no duplicate colors in the set.

Dish scrubbies are one of my favorite things to crochet, and if you have seen my youtube channel, then you will see that I love to make dish scrubbies using tulle. I have many more dish scrubby tutorials planned for future tutorials. So hopefully, you will be sure to subscribe to my youtube channel, and click on the notification bell, so that you will not miss any of my upcoming videos if you also enjoy making dish scrubbies.

Tulle has become very popular to use to make the greatest dish scrubbies. After you start making dish scrubbies with tulle, you most likely will never buy another sponge. Since, I have started making dish scrubbies, I have never purchased another sponge. Tulle dish scrubbies are not only pretty with all of the beautiful colors and patterns. They are fun to make , very effective at cleaning your dishes, easy to clean and make great gifts.

The dish scrubbies can be used over and over again until they fall apart. You can even wash your dish scrubbies in the washing machine. No need to put the scrubbies in the clothes dryer, they air dry very quickly. You can even wash them in the top rack of your dishwasher.

If you want to make a more abrasive heavy duty scrubby, then you can use nylon netting instead of tulle.

There is polyester tulle and nylon tulle. The polyester tulle is much softer and not as abrasive as nylon tulle. Polyester tulle is soft and pliable and feels more like fabric, this is the type of tulle that is usually used to make clothing or tutus. You can use polyester tulle to make dish scrubbies, they will just be less abrasive than the scrubbies made with nylon.

When I make dish scrubbies for gifts, I like to make a set that has a dish scrubby using the polyester tulle, one with nylon tulle and one with nylon netting. This way they will have a dish scrubby for all cleaning needs. The polyester scrubby can be used for more delicate dishes, light duty cleaning ( I would not recommend using on dishes made of fine china). Then the nylon tulle scrubby can be used for medium duty cleaning and then the scrubby made with netting can be used for heavy duty scrubbing like pot and pans, of course I would not recommend using them on non stick coated pans.

Click the link below to see my crochet tutorials on youtube for Dish Scrubbies using tulle

In this video I will unbox my second order of the set of 20 spools from Amazon. I have purchased individual and smaller sets since the the last order, but this time, I wanted to order another set of of 20 spools of tulle, since I wanted to make more dish scrubbies as gifts for the holidays. A Link for the tulle is included below.

When you click on the referral links on this page you will then be forwarded to Amazon. All purchases are handled by Amazon, I do not collect or process any payments on this website Please note: when you use the links below, I will earn a small percentage for commission of the sale. The good news is that this in no way will change the price of the item from Amazon. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Here is a link For 20 rolls of tulle that I purchased from Amazon:

In the video above I will show you the set of Bamboo crochet hooks that I purchased from Amazon. The set includes regular and ergonomic crochet hooks. This set includes 20 hooks. There are 8 ergonomic crochet hooks, that have steel hooks with bamboo handles. The smallest size of the ergonomic hooks is 1.0 mm and the largest one is 2.75 mm. You will also receive 12 bamboo crochet hooks ranging from size 3.0 mm up to the largest one which is 10 mm (US size hooks from C to N) This set comes in a case that zips up. I am happy with this set so far, and really like the fact that it came in this handy case that zips up to keep all the hooks together. My husband was so happy when I received this set too, since he has spent many times helping me find my missing crochet hook. Now, that I have this set, I am not misplacing my crochet hooks anymore.

Here is the link for Bamboo Crochet Hooks:

In this video I will show you the set of Bamboo Knitting Needles, that I purchased from Amazon. The set comes in a handy drawstring bag, that you can hang on a hook in your craft room, or closet. The set comes with 18 set of knitting needles ranging from the smallest size of 2.0 mm up to the largest size that is 10.0 mm. The set also has 34 pieces of accessories that come with the set.

The accessories that you will receive with the set includes; 2 stitch holders that are made of aluminum, 20 plastic stitch markers that look like little safety pins, six plastic darning needles, and 3 metal darning needles, small scissors with a cover, 1 row counter and a measuring ruler that also has the holes in the center to check the size of the knitting needles. I really like this set, especially the larger knitting needles and the price is a great value for all of the items you get and comes with a handy drawstring bag to keep everything together.

Here is the link for Bamboo Knitting Needles:

In this video above, I will show you the set of Tunisian Crochet Hooks that I purchased from Amazon. This set includes 11 different sizes of aluminum Tunisian Hooks. The smallest size hook is 2.0 mm and the largest hook in this set is 8.0 mm.
The length of the hooks are approximately 10.6 inches, or about 27 centimeters. I love all of the pretty different colors the hooks come in. The set of hooks also have a stopper on the end of each hook that shows the size of the hooks in millimeters. I have no issues using these hooks so far with making my tunisian crochet projects, and would recommend these hooks.