Welcome to my website. My love of making things with yarn started one Sunday afternoon when I was 13 years old. My aunt taught me how to crochet, and I took to it right away and have been crocheting ever since. The very first crocheted item that I made was a granny square blanket. My aunt taught me how to make a granny square and I just kept going and going and made the largest granny square I could make until it was large enough to use as a blanket. I was so proud of that granny square and that year I made everyone in the family a crocheted gift for Christmas and for their birthday. I used to use patterns when I first started to crochet, now I just create without a pattern and make my own patterns and designs. I will also be writing my patterns to share and hope that others will enjoy making my crocheted creations that I come up with. Thank you for stopping by my website and be sure to check my blog for updates. Hope you visit my website often as I will be continuing to update and build the website to bring you more inspiration for your next yarn project. I hope that after visiting my website today, that you learned something new and found inspiration for your next yarn project.

Coming Soon – Tunisian Crochet Tutorials

Want to learn how to do Tunisian crochet? I am currently working on creating Tunisian crochet tutorials. I will also have tutorials to make things like dischcloths, scarfs, fingerless gloves and many more as I create ideas and inspiration using Tunisian crochet.

I have included the links below to purchase tunisian crochet hooks to get ready for the upcoming tunisian crochet tutorials. These are the same tunisian crochet hooks that I purchased from Amazon. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. You can click the button and link below if you want to go to Amazon for the set of Tunisian hooks.

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In this video I will un-box and review the Exquiss Knitting Needles Set of Bamboo Circular and Double Pointed Needles that I purchased from Amazon. This set comes with 18 Circular Needles and 75 Double Pointed Needles. You will also receive a plastic case filled with accessories. I have included a link to the item I purchased from Amazon as shown in this unboxing. Thank you for visiting my website. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Please note : when you use the links below, I will earn a percentage for commission of the sale. The good news is that this in no way will change the price of the item from Amazon. https://amzn.to/2VbjVQ

When you click on the links below you will then be forwarded to Amazon. All purchases are handled by Amazon, I do not collect or process any payments on this website Please note: when you use the links below, I will earn a small percentage for commission of the sale. The good news is that this in no way will change the price of the item from Amazon. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you for visiting my website today

Click here for the tutoral.
Click here for Dish Scrubby Tutorials
Click here for the video tutorial to make these spider web wristers .

Newborn Baby Cardigan Part One – How to make the yoke and a gauge swatch

Part one, will include making a gauge swatch first, and will show you how to make the yoke. I also made baby booties and a crochet hat to go with the baby cardigan. The tutorial for the cardigan will be uploaded in 4 parts. I will create a playlist to link all of the parts of the tutorial as I upload them. Just need to finish up editing the videos. Then there will be a tutorial for the matching baby booties and another one for the matching hat. I am also working on finishing up typing up the written instructions from my hand written notes as I created the patterns.


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This video is a re-do of a previous video shown just above this one. This video is beginner friendly, since it has instruction notes and is at a slower pace, making it easy to follow along while crocheting this crochet heart in the round. This heart has 4 rounds.